Monday, December 26, 2005

102 Bodacious Southern Words

Some weeks ago I posted a list of my personal favorite 101 Beautiful Words. I got the idea from those British people who only could think up seventy words—and only a few of them was pretty. I didn’t care for their list at all. No, sir. So I made my own list, and if you ain’t ever seen it, you can see it here.

Well, then, I got to thinking about My First Wife’s side of the family which is from Miss’ippi and Georgia. Those Southern folks we all love so well has given us some real good words. One recent afternoon, while I was sipping on some iced tea, I thought up a list of some Bodacious Southern Words. Then I had the good sense to get some help from My First Wife and her Southern friends. Well, we got us a real good list now. They also gave me a smatterin’ of real nice Southern expressions, too. I posted this over on Dew on the Kudzu, too, a real nice blog you should visit all the time. Go look.

So here everything is. Nothin’ special; just some down-home Southern words.

(I probably left something out, so I’ll welcome your recommendations. Jest keep ‘em clean. And I don’t wanna hear no insultin’ stuff like you see in them books they sell at the truck stops.)
  1. Grits
  2. Fixin' to…
  3. High-Sedity
  4. Dixie
  5. “I swan…”
  6. Dumplins
  7. Chitlins
  8. Gussied Up
  9. Coon Dog
  10. Ya'll
  11. Yonder
  12. Bubba
  13. Roll Tide
  14. Mason jar
  15. Double-wide
  16. How-dee!
  17. Craw-daddy
  18. Kalinky
  19. Gen’ral Lee
  20. Shaped Notes Singin’
  21. This here…
  22. Whup!
  23. D'rectly
  24. Mint Julip
  25. Uppity
  26. Plum wore out
  27. Hankerin'
  28. Hey there
  29. What-not
  30. Antebellum
  31. Graceland
  32. Dawgs
  33. Ain't
  34. All ya'll
  35. Cajun
  36. Hog-callin'
  37. Mississippi
  38. Mercy!
  39. Hushpuppies
  40. Scarlett
  41. Good ol’ boy
  42. Hissy Fit
  43. Roly-poly bug
  44. Football
  45. Po Boy
  46. High-Falootin'
  47. Darlin’
  48. June bug
  49. Lightning bug
  50. Honey
  51. Confederate
  52. Sugah
  53. Poke
  54. Pure-dee
  55. Bodacious
  56. Hootenanny
  57. Piggly-Wiggly
  58. South
  59. Moonshine
  60. Debutante
  61. Finger-lickin’
  62. Folks
  63. Shindig
  64. Southern (Baptist) Comfort
  65. Moon Pie
  66. Boll Weevil
  67. Kudzu
  68. Bar-be-que
  69. Liquored-up
  70. Possum
  71. Squirrel
  72. Collards
  73. Catfish
  74. Yes sir
  75. Sashay
  76. Yes ma’am
  77. Boiled Peanuts
  78. Butter Beans
  79. Please
  80. Down-home
  81. Thank you
  82. The 3 Car
  83. Fish Camp
  84. Pee-cans or Pe-cahns
  85. Everclear
  86. Mama
  87. Gators
  88. Long neck
  89. Snuff
  90. Soo-eee!
  91. Rebel
  92. Magnolias
  93. Holler
  94. Tabaccy
  95. Truck
  96. Get ‘er Done
  97. Reckon
  98. Soul Food
  99. Tote sack
  100. Pining for…
  101. Hoot
  102. Ice Tea
…and a smattering of Southern Expressions
  • “Damn Yankees!”
  • “I declare…!”
  • “I’m just sayin’…”
  • “Bless ‘er heart…”
  • "Well, now, little lady…"
  • “Damn Northerners!”
  • “Yer gonna mess and fall back in it!”
  • “Yer talkin’ like a man with a paper butt.”
  • I’ll Fly Away, O Glory…
  • “Shall We Gather at the River…
  • "Will the Circle Be Unbroken?"
  • “Yer not from around here, are ya?"
  • "Ya'll come back now, hear?"