Wednesday, June 15, 2011

If My Camera was a Pencil...

I'm telling you: there isn't an artist on earth who can draw a lily like this! Isn't this the orangest flower you've ever seen? It's an Asian Lily; this is it's second year. It's getting oranger and oranger as the days go by. I refuse to touch it. It's just too pretty. My First Wife and I just stand, stare and stun ourselves.

You can click the photos to embiggen. Then you can really see the depth and beauty of Orange.
This lower photo is of Orange's Pink Protector. This is it's fourth year. We love it, too, and are astounded at the number of blossoms it produced. More than 30.


DBFrank said...

Beautiful flowers!

Ileana said...

Paul, I think we should use our colored pencils and at least TRY to capture that beauty on paper. What a challenge, huh? It's just BEAUTIFUL!!

srp said...

You have good dirt.

I have some daylilies called Orange Crush that are this big and deeply orange... so bright they hurt the eyes to stare too long. My asiatics in the front are also orange, pink, deep red and a golden yellow that also brings tears... not as many blooms though. Like I said... you have good dirt... no black clay.

Granny Annie said...

I am lacking in our own flowers so enjoy those posted by friends. These are indeed lovely.

Joy Des Jardins said...

Gorgeous! Isn't it great to just walk outside your house and be able to see these works of art? I don't have many flowers in my yard...but I just love them and their sweet scents. I love when someone posts some really special blossoms....thanks Paul.

Cliff said...

A true 'wonder.'

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