Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Number 100 Features Number 1

This is my
100th post on this blog. To celebrate this auspicious milestone, let's go to the dictionary and look up a special word: Merriam-Webster’s 2005 Word of the Year.

Image hosted by Photobucket.com M-W also mentioned nine other words that make up the top ten most looked-up words in its online dictionary. I look forward to this every year. (Hey, some people get excited about Santa; I get excited about the Word of the Year.)

"Say the magic word and win a hundred bucks..." I've typed 10 words below. The Word of the Year is among them. The rest are words I just happen to know how to spell. You have to go to the M-W site to see the real top ten list.

But before you go, can you guess which word is the 2005 Word of the Year? Just for fun, tell me if you did—or didn't. And no peeking at other people's Cuss-free comments.

Administration. Authoritarianism. Clever. Euro. Integrity. Manual. Paradigm. Punctual. Quilting. Tsunami.