Monday, February 20, 2006

Adventures on Stage (Not Me)

"How did your play go, Paul?" everybody asked politely. They were asking about last night's performance of Hosea's Song.

"I don't know where to start," Paul quietly replied. "It's very rewarding to see your work so well performed."

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Hosea and his beautiful wife, Gomer--after her redemption. The Happy Ending!

"Well, good," they said politely. "Does that mean everything went well?"

"It went very well. They played before an almost-full house," Paul went on, "and finished to a long, standing applause. They deserved it, too! They did great! I'm so proud of everyone! They all did a fantastic job!"

"It was so good. So good," he said with a sigh of contentment. "My First Wife said it was the best one yet. It was real good…"

"Oh, and guess what?" He was excited. "They let me run the lights last night! And…my 11-year-old grandson was there and they let him operate the teleprompter. He did it perfectly!"

"Well, good," they said politely.

"Yeah, it was a great night! What a great night!"

"Well, good," they said politely.

The above is my early morning conversation at work today. I'm still on an emotional high after last night's performance of my play. Thanks for all the kind encouragement from everyone. I wish you could have been there. It was great!

And listen! DVDs will be available soon if you'd like one. Give me a few days to get ordering and shipping information.

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