Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Joy of English--and Spanish, too

Our church hosts ESL classes on Wednesday nights. This year I was invited to teach a beginning English class. I’ve been nervous about it for two weeks. Finally, the big night arrived last night. I tell you what: I’m a blessed man.

In my class are cinco mujeres y dos hombres, all of them anxious and hungry to learn English. We had a great first evening together and I’m looking forward to the rest of the year.

After all these years, I learned two new beautiful Spanish names. Yuri (pronounced “Yudi”) and Yesenia (“Pleece say me ‘Jesse’. ”).

I think I’ll schedule a "noche de sombreros locos” and then post pictures of the class on my Hats blog. I also want to give the class a reward for una noche sin Espanol (a night without Spanish). Maybe go out for something sweet or something. We’re gonna have fun this year. I’m a blessed man and in my heart I'm Salsa Dancing.

There are three heart-warming new pictures over on my Hats blog. Stop in.

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