Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Community Events Department

Well, folks, we got some news here for you. Happened last weekend. It fell to me to babysit our youngest granddaughter last Saturday, so the two of us took a trip to The Big City.

First, to the mall to see the dolphins.
Mari Dolphin

Then to a neighborhood park to check out the swings. "Higher, Granddaddy! Higher!"

Then to another neighborhood park to make sure the playground equipment still worked.

We had PB&J sandwiches and two cookies together there under a big shady tree. She said, “This is a nice little picnic, isn’t it?” It sure was.

Four hours after we started out, we landed in a galaxy far, far away among some Star Wars characters. I have never seen my little granddaughter get so excited to see anyone as she did to see these warriors. Giddy!



Her favorite: a girl storm trooper.

Finally, our trip ended in dreamland. For someone so little, she sure did tire me out. But there’s no better way to get tired. Well, maybe a good baseball game.

Thanks for listenin’ in.

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