Thursday, May 28, 2009

Adventures in the Green, Green Hills of the Great Plains

I never thought I’d used the words “beautiful” and “Oklahoma” in the same sentence. But I did last weekend—more than once.

As a matter of fact, all the way through Kansas, Oklahoma and the Texas Panhandle every blade and every leaf was a rich, rich healthy green. We’ve made that trip a ka-jillion times, but never has it been so bountifully beautiful. We kept saying to each other, “Man! Look at all this!”

The Bible says “He owns the cattle on a thousand hills.” And we saw cattle—fat cattle—on just about every lush, green hill we passed. These cattle are in the luscious Flint Hills of Kansas. Just think, in about a month, we’ll all be eating little portions of those cows. And look at all that green!

And you should have seen the wildflowers! Every mile through Oklahoma and Texas was painted with—well, just too purty for words.

I'm gonna take that trip alone some day, just to photograph barns. Like this one.

Our granddaughter entertained us at her recital. She played “My Heart Will Go On” and the “Mickey Mouse March.” (M I C...K E Y...M O U S Eeee!) Sorry. She rocked the house!

Then she was baptized Sunday morning, but we couldn’t see her. The baptismal water was way up high and she is way short. The pastor conducted the baptism, but let her dad lay her back into the water and raise her up out of it. We recommend that everyone get sons-in-law that are so committed to Jesus and family.

Our granddaughter between a girlfriend and her cousin. She's holding the new Bible that Grandmother and Granddaddy (us) gave her after she was baptized.

It doesn’t get much better than mixing faith, family, fun, food, friends and fellowship all together. It was a peaceful, pleasant, purty Memorial Day weekend—sight and sound.

I apologize for the poor quality photos. Life happens sometimes.