Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Joy of Five

On February’s last day, I got to see the hand of the Lord four times. I was blessed that day, for sure.

First, on my lunch hours, I often walk along the perimeter of our parking lot. Once around is 3/10 mile. The nicer the weather, the longer the walk. On the pretty east side there is a stand of trees and a good-sized patch of grass. Our company sign is there, only a few feet from The Big City Freeway. Yesterday, just outside the trees stood a gloriously beautiful doe. I suppose she let me get about 25 feet from her. She watched me walk by. I’ve never been that close to a deer before—uh, a live one. But guess what! She waited for me to go around the parking lot one more time. I’m sure she was flirting with me when I passed the second time. Quite a treasure gift from the Lord. Lunch hours are not usually like that.

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Then the temperature bounded above 70 degrees yesterday afternoon. I hurried home, hurried dinner into me and headed for a park. A one mile walk before sundown was too good to pass up. Tuesday was cold here in Pancake Flats. Wednesday was a warm gift from the Lord and I got in another mile of evening footsteps. Summer is coming, I’m sure...

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