Sunday, February 01, 2009

Adventures with My Newspapers

I spent three and a half quarters of the Super Bowl organizing my newspapers with Little Yellow Dots (see post below). Those Little Yellow Dots sure are handy.

If anyone is interested, I have 155 newspaper headlines dating back to 1963 (JFK shot) when I first began collecting them. I also have four papers that were given to me. Two related to the death of FDR and two related to the end of WWII. Additionally, I have several magazines (Time, Newsweek, Life mostly) that relate to historical/significant events. Each item is in an acid-free bag. I put those handy-dandy Yellow Dots on the outside of the bag
and give each dot a number. 1 - 154, so far. Then I keep them all stored in two large plastic storage boxes.

I have about six more newspapers coming from out of town "suppliers." Four that related to the recent inauguration and a couple about the octuplets born this week in LA.

I regret that papers from the Viet Nam era and from the First Gulf War (featuring Our Son) were destroyed when our home burned down. They didn't get burned, they got hosed. Real bad. But I have a headline paper about it.

In addition to the papers themselves, I keep an up-to-date Excel spreadsheet that lists all the headlines, date, name of the newspaper and the number on its Little Yellow Dot.

These papers make for great entertainment at nursing homes, schools and assisted living centers. And those places are often as exciting as the nearest Super Bowl.